Tutor with Yukon Learn!

Task description
Yukon Learn offers tutoring to adult learners in reading, writing, conversational English, math, and computer skills. If you would like to make a difference in your community, come join us!
Tutors will plan and deliver sessions of one to two hours on a weekly basis.

Minimum Age

Skills needed
• A talent for communicating and explaining ideas and concepts
• Ability to plan sessions in line with your learner’s goals and adjust plans and resources to suit an individual learner’s skill level
• Capacity to work with a wide range of leaners from diverse backgrounds
• Ability to be encouraging and supportive to learners
• Completion of a vulnerable sector check with the RCMP

• Commit to at least one hour of tutoring a week
• Plan and deliver tutoring sessions
• Adopt a learner-centred approach
• Communicate with Yukon Learn staff
• Take advantage of professional development opportunities- We are eager to host training opportunities for tutors!

Time commitment
With only one to two hours a week you can make a difference in a learner’s life!

Incentive for the volunteer
The chance to support Yukon literacy in a unique way and to be part of a team that is supporting their community!

Job Id: 
Volunteer Opportunity