These programs for the private sector will get small and medium sized enterprises in Yukon growing and working together to improve our economy.
With these programs, the Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce will create a business friendly community and a dynamic private sector. The Chamber has heard its members when they say "Do Something!" so these programs reflect what we are doing to cultivate our business sector. Together we will develop a healthy and expanding private sector.

Click on each program below to learn more!



For inquiries, please contact the Chamber, at [email protected].




Housing, Lodging and Lot Development Committee


As the Voice of Whitehorse Business, the Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce (WCC) is committed to advancing existing businesses, attracting new economic opportunities, and constructively influencing policies and programs to support a healthy private enterprise system. Housing, lodging and lot availability are critical elements of this endeavor.


The WCC Housing, Lodging and Lot Development Committee is responsible for the following:


  1. Researching, exploring, confirming, and having knowledge of the current/future cost, state and nature of supply and demand of the following three considerations Whitehorse residential housing and lot availability/inventory, Whitehorse commercial lot availability/inventory and Whitehorse and lodging availability/inventory
  2. Compiling and reviewing data and information. Information, position, and impact will be gathered and shared from WCC organization: current and historical information, Housing consumers, social housing markets, private sector businesses, developers and landlords, Government of Yukon Housing Corporation, Yukon First Nations and City of Whitehorse
  3. Exploring and recommending policy positions to the Board of Directors to promote an environment conducive to future investment and business opportunities, recommend solutions for residential housing and lot inventory shortfalls, recommend solutions for commercial lot availability shortfalls, strengthen co-promotional partnerships and collaborative efforts between local businesses and organizations and promote even and fair access to funding and inducements across markets

Recruitment and Retention Taskforce 

TIA Yukon is committed to helping the Yukon’s tourism industry attract reliable, qualified workers to ensure that businesses and organizations are able to operate effectively. To help better support Yukon tourism operations in hiring and keeping the staff that they need, and ensuring that they are equipped with the necessary skills to be effective in their roles, TIA Yukon has created the Yukon Recruitment and Retention Taskforce (YRRT). This joint taskforce is created in collaboration with the Yukon Chamber of Commerce, the Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce, and other Yukon organizations that have a focus on labour related issues. This tourism-led taskforce will include a broader perspective on Yukon business. 


The purpose and mandate of the YRRT is to provide industry perspectives and strategic advice to the Yukon Government, the Yukon’s tourism industry, and the larger business community, in order to help inform decision making and to reduce duplication of efforts. Specifically, the YRRT provides industry perspectives and strategic advice.


Click here for more information.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Program

November - January 2023

The Yukon Government has extended the engagement period for the design of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) until February 17, 2023.  The goal of EPR is to make producers responsible for managing their products at the end of their products’ lives.


On January 26, 2023 the Whitehorse and Yukon Chamber of Commerce arranged a dedicated consultation session with our membership as part of this engagement to address your specific concerns about the EPR program. 


Later that week, the Yukon Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with several of Yukon's private sector leaders, met with the Minister of Environment, Nils Clarke, to discuss the impact of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program. The business community acknowledges the necessity for environmental legislation that protects our unique, natural environment, but remains focused on advocating for considerate development and design of environmental regulations that don't overburden business owners in the Yukon in a time of fragile recovery.


Through this meeting, the YCC represented the broader business community in shared concerns around the cost of the program, the impact on communities outside of Whitehorse, the identification of de minimis thresholds, and the creation of support opportunities for Yukon businesses.

What is EPR?

Click here for more information about the Extended Producer Responsibility.

Partnering for Safety - Crime Prevention Initiative 

Over the past several months, businesses have experienced a rising concern in property crime, theft and vandalism throughout our downtown core. The Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with key stakeholders, gathered to identify potential solutions to help mitigate the amount of property crime for all Whitehorse businesses. Key stakeholders included the City of Whitehorse, Yukon RCMP, First Nations and Territorial government representatives and Whitehorse business owners, aiming to develop a collective approach to creating a safer and secure community for all of Whitehorse.  

Click here to read the full report.