Inclusion Yukon promotes meaningful inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities and their families into all aspects of community life by providing advocacy, public awareness and education, community capacity development, and program support. Inclusion Yukon is also a partner of the national Ready Willing and Able (RWA) initiative: RWA is designed to increase the labour force participation of people with an intellectual disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). RWA provides: Information about why hiring a person with an intellectual disability or ASD is good for business Individualized assistance to help you become a more inclusive employer Assistance in identifying persons with an intellectual disability or ASD to address labour force needs in your company Disability awareness information for your current employees, direct connections to community agencies who provide employment-related services and supports, connections to other employers who have hired individuals with an intellectual disability or ASD, and connections to available research, best practice and expertise in the field of inclusive labour markets. Individual on-the-job support for the employee to do their job effectively, including disability related accommodations if necessary.