Employment Opportunity for Fisheries Biologist/Technician
Seasonal Fisheries Technician/biologist: Job description.
Location: Remote camps in the Yukon and Northern B.C. Period May 15 through October 31, 2025.
Job description/duties: Assist on-site project biologists with all aspects of projects. Work will be on salmon stock assessment and sampling projects (traditional weirs, mark/recapture and sonar). Work may also involve fish culture work including brood stock and gamete collection and salmon fry rearing and feeding.
Qualifications: BSc. or higher, or two year diploma graduate or 3rd
or 4th year degree student. Fisheries experience and working in remote locations a definite asset. Candidate will require familiarity with general computer hardware/software systems, using excel spread sheets and the recognition of the importance of accurate data collection and entry. Applicants need to be mature, self motivated, adaptable and with ability to work in remote isolated locations for extended periods. Boat experience is an asset as is working in remote areas. Need to be moderately physically fit. Require standard first aid with CPR as well as a boat operator’s certificate.
The existing camps are comfortable with satellite internet and emergency sat phone capabilities. Employer will supply food and lodging.
Salary: Negotiable and commensurate with experience.
Metla Environmental Inc. is an established Yukon based company with over 35 years conducting fisheries and aquatic sciences projects in B.C. and Yukon. Please contact:
Brian Mercer
[email protected]
867 336 1876
Metla Environmental Inc.
Applied Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Box 20046
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 7A2
867 633 2795